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Latest Past Events
(cancelled) Meyrin Economic Forum 2021
Théâtre Forum Meyrin (TFM) Place des Cinq-Continents 1, MeyrinValentin (UAMAS Co-Founder, Board member) will join this event as an attendee. Send us a note to meet him there.
(postponed) skyguide General Aviation Day 2020
swiss aeropole SA Aéropôle 132, Payerneskyguide's management has set up a task force to assess and discuss the current situation and the effects of the Covid19 virus on our company. Within the framework of this
(postponed) Engineer’s Day 2020 «Die Zukunft der Luftfahrt»
Flughafen Grenchen - Airporthotel Flughafenstrasse 123, GrenchenStefan (UAMAS Co-Founder, President) will join this event as an attendee. Send us a note to meet him there.